When working with API Binance Rest using Winhttp, meet a situation where the requests fail due to an abnormal connection with the server. This Error code 12030 usually indicates that the connection was concluded by the server unexpectedly. In this article, we will explore how to force the connection to close after receiving such an error.
Understanding the API Binance Rest Connection
Before you sink into the solution for forcing the closing of the connection, it is essential to understand how Binance Rest API manages connections with Winhttp. When using Winhttp as Proxy or in the context of your application, you may need to set more connections to simultaneously manage various scenarios. These connections can be closed after use, if not properly managed.
Solution: Force -closing connection
To force the closing of the connection when you meet the error code 12030, follow these steps:
#####. Set connections and recover the information
First of all, make sure there are no errors while setting the connection. If everything goes well, you may want to record or print information about each connection set for analysis purposes.
Import requests
Define URL and API Endpoint parameters
URL = "
Initializes a dictionary with details about the connection
Connection_details = {
"Method": "Get",
"Params": [1, 2, 3], replace these values, as required
Answer = Requests.Get (URL, Params = Connection_Details)
If answered.status_code == 200:
Printing ("Successful Connection.")
Print (F "Failed to establish the connection: {answer.text}")
2. Close the connection
If an error occurs during the establishment process and a solution is not immediately apparent, consider closing the established connections. This step is crucial for maintaining performance and minimizing resource consumption.
Import operating system
Get the list of open connections currently
Open_connections = []
For i in interval (1, 21):
Replace with the real number or logic to close all except a specified number
Conn_details = {
"Method": "Get",
"Params": [i], replace values as required
Answer = Requests.Get (URL + STR (I), Params = Conn_Details)
If answered.status_code == 200:
Print (f "Connection {i} established.")
Open_connections.apppend (conn_details ['ug'])
except the exception that is:
Connect the error and continue with the next connection
Print (F "Failed to establish the connection {i}: {str (e)}")
Close the specified number of connections (in this case, 18)
For URL in open_connections [: len (open_connections) - len ([conn ['url'] for conn in open_connections) // 2]:
Os.system ("Taskkill /im" + URL)
print (f "closed connections. It remains: {open (open_connections)}")
Forcing the closing of the connection is a last solution that should be used judiciously to minimize the useless use of resources and to maintain the application performance. Always connect errors for troubleshooting purposes, ensuring that you understand the main cause of any problems encountered during establishing or closing the connection.
Disclaimer : Before implementing this solution in production environments, ensure that your system may manage the temporary cessation (for example, with Windows Task Manager). Also be cautious when using this method, as it may have unwanted consequences on your application behavior.