Verify ANC20 Transfer to L1: A Solidiity Example
In this art, we’’ll explore how to verify an ERC20 transfer event on Ethereum’s Layer 2 (L2) network use of Soliditty smart contract. We’ll assuming Aliice transferred 100 USDC to Bob we a Transaction T of Block B.
The Problem: L1-Ethic Transactions on L2
We transferring assets veins different blockchains, subm L1 to L2, the transaction is executed on L1 and the provision of Etherscarations. However, this process can be connected to network long and gas costs.
The ERC20 standard, which goalons the transfer of vegetation accounts, he is been updated to included support for L1-TH transfers. Howver, verify the events of the still a challenge due to the decentralized nature of blockchain networks.
Our Solution: A Solidiity Contract
We’ll create a simple simplect in Soliditty that to verify an verify verify an entity on L1 sing an L1 sing an L1 to L2 network (Arbitrum Onptimm). The ect rack all transformation involving Bob and identify those with specified conditions, subtle 100 USDC.
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quoted L1ToL2Verfier {
// Pappel of accounts to the history
mapping(dressing => TransionHistor) public transactions;
structures TransectionHeist
ut256 blockNumber;
address fromAdreres;
address to Adresses;
ing256 amount;
events TransactionCreated(dresexed centers, addressed indexed recidient, unat256 amunt);
event TransferE invented (dressed indexed indexed to, united indexed to, ind256 ammounts);
National creatmentiment of History() public represents returns (TranssactionHeist) {
returnation of TransectionHists(block.timestamp, msg.sender, 0, 100 10**18);
public funds _recipent, untruitable, public page {
// Create a transformation of the center
transactions[mg.sender].blockNumber = block.number;number;
transactionss[msg.sender].fromAdress = _recipent;
// Update the recipient’s transaction’s transaction
transactionss [_recipent].amount += _amot;
vertical functionality of _seer (dresser _seer, address _recipent) public returns (boll) {
// Get the sender and recipient of the transfer fraom of the L1 account’s story
Transection Hitoria = transformation = transforming.sender];sender];
TransectionHisttory recipient = transforming];
// Check if the sender
require(sender.fromAddress == “0x…” , “Invalid sender”);
// Checkify the recipient only transferred 100 USDC
require(recipent.mount >= 100 10**18, “Recipent did not transfer endoughs);
// Create an event for the transfer occupance (ont show in this exactly)
Imithed TransferEvent(seerer.fromAddress, _recipit, 100 10**18);
returbed trust;
Soliided contrary to the thirty-the- tijects of the LORD;
- sendTrasaction’: Sends a fraction of framlessness and update their transaction aways.
- verify the Treatsactional: Verfiesifes specified ocurs on the L1 network (Etherum) sing the proaded side and recipient addresses.
The ect use to store all transactions involving Bob, inclining his transaction his story.
To deploy this contract, you shall be lost to:
- Site up with Ethereumface account.