** Ethereum: Have Utxo selection methods changed from the segwit activation?
The transition from a mining-based consent system to a proof-of-stake system), known as the activation of segwit in Ethereum 2.0, has made significant changes to the way the transactions are processed and the commissions are calculated on the net. An aspect that attracted attention is the impact on the selection methods of UTXO (not transactions).
For those who may not be familiar, the UTXOS representation not non -transactions output expenses that can be spent by a user or used in further transactions. The selection of which utxos priorities can significantly affect the overall commissions and transaction costs associated with a specific transaction.
Before Segwit
Before the segwit activation, the transactions were penalized higher commissions to have more inputs (such as transaction commissions) than the outputs (as an output of non -spent transactions). This was due to the differentia of intrinsic dimensions between the thesis of two types of transactions. Just even if the global UTXO set reduced the duration in this period, the increase in disproportionate input commissions has influenced the flavor on the structure of the overall commissions.
Segwit selection and utxo
The introduction of Segwit aimed to face some of the limits of the previous consent mechanism. A key change was the addition of a new “malleability” (POW) capacity, which allowed a more flexible and efficient processing processing. This shift also included changes to the UTXO selection method.
In Segwit, the transactions are now selected according to a combination of factors, including:
- UTXO Set Dimensions : AVIA -UTXOS of a user plays a significant role in determining their tax.
- Transaction commissions
: the total quantity of transaction commissions associated with the transaction.
- Miner selection
: The order in which miners select transactions affect the overall network commissions.
Impact on UTXO selection methods
The introduction of Segwit has actually changed the way the UTXOS are selected and this change is still perfected as the network evolves. In accordance with various sources, including the developer of Ethereum Vitalik Boterin, the new selection method gives priority to more inputs on outputs in some cases, which can lead to an increase in transaction commissions.
However, it is essential to note that not all UTXO sets have influenced the legs in the same way. Some users may even have more output than input due to various factors, such as:
* Complexity of transactions : transactions with more input or complex logic can require greater power and computational resources from miners.
* Network congestion : the increase in network activity can lead to a decrease in UTXOS available for some users.
Segwit activation has introduced new complexities to the UTXO selection method, which is still refined when the network adapts. Although this change may have an impact on some users more than others, it is clear that the transition of Ethereum to POS is leading to changes in the transaction commissions and to the overall cost structures on the network.
Since the Ethereum ecosystem continues to evolve, it will be essential for users, miners and developers to remain informed about this development and how they influence the methods of selection of UTXO.