Ethereum: Understanding Transaction Signatures
Creating a new transaction from scratch can be an exciting experience. To make sure that the transaction you are signing is valid, let’s take a closer look at the components that make up a transaction signature in Ethereum.
Transaction Structure
A basic Ethereum transaction consists of three main parts:
- From: the sender’s address.
- To: the recipient’s address (optional).
- Value
: the amount to be transferred (wei).
Components of a Transaction Signature
A transaction signature is a combination of several components that make it safe and secure.
The first component of a transaction signature is a hash of the following elements:
- Transaction data (from, to, value)
- Block number (the number of the block containing the transaction)
- Gas price (the amount of gas used for processing)
This hash serves as a unique identifier for the transaction.
Keccak-256 hash
The second component is a Keccak-256 hash, which is applied to the above data, resulting in a string of a certain length.
Transaction Signature Format
A typical Ethereum transaction signature format is:
Keccak-256 Hash
The third component is the Keccak-256 hash function, which is applied to the above data, resulting in a string of a certain length.
Signature Verification
To verify a transaction signature, you need to create a private key that can decrypt the signature and then use it to sign your transactions (or generate it anew).
In Ethereum, most developers use public keys to generate signatures. For example, the "ethers.js" library provides an easy-to-use interface for generating and verifying signatures.
When creating a new transaction from scratch, you will need to:
- Create transaction data: define "from", "to" and "value"
- Generate hash: use Keccak-256 hash function on transaction data
- Generate signature: use generated hash as input to Keccak-256 hash function
- Verify signature
: compare your private key generated signature with the signature provided in the transaction (if you use it)
Here is a simple example of creating a new Ethereum transaction from scratch:
// Define transaction data
const from = '0x...' // sender address
const to = '0x...' // recipient address (optional)
const value = 10n; // amount to transfer
// Create a transaction hash
const txHash = keccak256([from, to, value]);
// Generate a private key using ethers.js
import * as ether from 'ethers';
// Create a new provider instance
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('
// Sign the transaction with your private key (replace with your actual private key)
const txSignature = await provider.signTransaction({
data: {
to: to,
value: value
from: from,
gas: { gasPrice: 200000 } // adjust the gas price as needed
Transaction signature: ${txSignature.rawTransaction}`);
Remember that this is a basic example, and you should consider implementing additional security measures, such as:
- Private key management: Store your private key securely (e.g. using a hardware wallet or secure storage)
- Signature verification: Use a trusted digital signature algorithm such as ECDSA
- Transaction validation: Verify the transaction data and ensure it follows the expected format
Hope this helps you understand how to create and validate Ethereum transactions!