Token decimal Solana: standard convention or unique case?
The use of markers’ decimal decimal parts on blockchain platforms has become increasingly popular in recent years. For many cryptocurrencies and tokens, the standard decimal system is created by agreement between developers, community members or even governments. One such agreement is 18 implementation as a standard decimal director for most ERC-20 tokens Ethereum.
However, Solana, a comparatively younger blockchain platform, has used a unique approach to the decimals of markers since its inception. Initially, most Solana -based projects choose a standard for 9 markers, rather than the most common on 18. In the beginning, it might seem unusual, but it is important to understand the context and justification of this decision.
thing about 9 on solana
The use of decimals of Ethereum 18 markers has become the historical reasons for de facto standards and widespread due to adoption. In many cases, developers and project makers may have used a similar approach or even following industry standards from another platform. When it comes to Solana, the decision to adhere to the management of other platforms rather than creating its own unique standard is largely attributed to the fact that Sol itself uses 9 as a symbol of native marker.
It might be thought that Solana developers reflect Ethereum’s behavior and are trying to maintain consistency with the existing ecosystem. In addition, 9 tokens decimals have been a successful approach to various Solana network projects, stating that it can be an effective standard for many users.
Is this a unique solana or just a one -off exception?
It is important to note that 9 markers of decimals are not exclusive solana. Other platforms have also chosen this sign behind a comma, and similar approaches can be found in different cryptocurrencies. For example, some projects use 6 tokens decimals, while others accept binary (such as 2 or 3) systems.
Given the widespread age of 18, Ethereum and the fact that Solana’s native token uses 9 is reasonable to believe that this approach is not only characteristic of Solana. Instead, this may be the case when developers have chosen to adhere to the standards of industry, rather than establishing their own convention from scratch.
The use of 9 markers decimals Solana is an exciting case study for the concept of standardization in the blockchain. While it is important to acknowledge that this approach is not exclusive solana, it still highlights the complexity of the decimalies of the chips and how different platforms can choose to adapt or differ from industry standards.
As more and more projects are considering 9 to accept the decimal system of their native markers Solana, we can expect to see the differences in practice on different blockchain platforms. However, by understanding the reasons for this decision, developers and users can better navigate the complexity of the decimals of the markers and make deliberate decisions about which approach is most suitable for their specific use.