Ethereum: Proxy -Server Stratum and Run on MacOS
Outside the ethereum wear, it is extended, it is important to translate the connection of your Koshlka or the client to the blockchain. Odnim from the full variants of transaction management and the proximation block is proxy -server. It is not possible on the fact that this one can be a little overwhelming, we wire you through the Setting Settui -server on your Mac.
Earsting the impairment that you have:
- Fresh Ubuntu 20.04 (or more late) on your Mac.
- Installation and work of the Bitcoin -Sergery in your system.
- Sete connection with blockchain ethereum.
Shag 1: Install node.js and npm
As part of the proxy -server installation, you need to install node.js and npm, which are not necessary for the composition of the two stratum client files.
Otkat Terminal and Start:
Sudo Apt-Geet Install Nodejs NPM
Shag 2: Install Clang and Deli
You also need to load and scaming the Clang Compilator, which is used by node.js to build proxy -server stratum. You can use Homebrew for his installation:
Brew your clang
After the installation start:
./configure — th-clg = -rufix =/usr/local/Cellar/Clang/13.0 -Buildroot =/Usr/Local/Cellar/Node-Crypto-151.11.4-GCC = -With- NM =
This comand is loaded and Clang Compilator.
Shag 3: Install Client Stratum
Now, when you have a node.js, npm, clang and installing, you have the time to install a stratum client.
Submit the new directory for your project:
Mkdir Stratum-Proxy-Mac
CD Stratum-Proxy-Mac
Install the necessary packages with the help of PIP (Dispatcher Packs Node.js):
NPM-Crypto installation
Shag 4: Setting Node.js
Submit the file Stratum.conf
in the Catalog Conduct:
nano stratum.conf
Add the follow -up configuration to include Stratum and specify the port, the name of the Host and the name of the policeman:
Port = 8545
Hostname = Localhost
Name of the Polish = Your_username
Password = Your_Password
Shag 5: Skampille Client Stratum
Start the follow -up conconduts to somomplyed the Binarium Stratum Client:
MAKE -C/USR/Local/Cellar/Node-CRYPTO-15.1.4/Bin Build
This is the catalog node_modules
, the content of the sommpilated double file.
Shag 6: Set out your costs
Consider the configuration of the Koshka with the help of the closed key and other settings by the measure.
Shag 7: Start Proxy -Server Stratum
Start the pursuing Commond to run Pratum Proxy:
./stratum -config = stratum.conf
This is the launch of the server on the port 8545, taking on the entry connections from your mallet or client.
Here and all! Your Pratum Proxy is to work on your Mac. From here you can connect to the net ethereum, using such instruments as ethers.js
- Revenge that you have established the last version of node.js.
- If you will raise with the problems with the compilation of the Clang, try to unite the version of the package or overwhelmed them with the social web -saite.
- Revenge that the configuration of your Koshka is right and relevant.
We are overwhelmed that this is helpful! Let us know, if you have a number -liking question, or you need to add.