Name: Ethereum: Point to Effective Data Exchange Point
The Ethereum Blockchain platform has led to the development of decentralized programs (DAps) and community -oriented network. However, as in any distributed system, the establishment of reliable and efficient relationships is very important as we change data between us. This article deals with an alternative approach to the list of colleagues of Ethereum network, using existing tools and scripts.
Traditional methods such as an invasion of the Bitcoin source code or using specialized networks such as Swarm or Filecoin may take a long time and tend to errors. In addition, these methods may not explain all possible peers with Ethereum network.
Solution: Netstat -p tcp -nba Grep ‘.8333.*…
An effective way to list peers on Ethereum network is the Netstat, UNIX command line tool with active internet connections. Specifically, -pindicates the TCP connector (port numbers 0-65535 interval) e
'' nba 'means "Digital address and transmission". Grep 'keyword filters results only include those with IP addresses .8333.*...
, which probably corresponds to Ethereum nodes.
Netstt -p TCP -nba | Grep ‘.8333.*…’
This scenario:
- Performs the Netstat team with the -p door and -nba’s number.
- Filters are the results that only need to be included in those who have IP addresses ending “.8333.*…`.
- Sneak the filtered exit to the standard output.
Why does it work
Using Nerstat, we can effectively scan the Ethereum network for existing peers, using such existing tools and scripts. This method eliminates the need to manually search for the Bitcoin source code or create custom nets.
This solution offers several benefits:
* Efficiency : Netstat use is faster than exploring the Bitcoin code.
* Flexibility : We can customize this scenario to other blockchain platforms by modifying IP addresses and filtration criteria.
* Repeat : Scenarios can be reused on other networks, shortening development time.
Using existing tools such as Nerstat, we can effectively list peers on Ethereum network, reducing the need for manual research through the source code or creating custom networks. This method allows a point for scaling and an efficient point exchange mechanism for Dapp and other decentralized programs developed on Ethereum platform.